Speck et al. Perioperative Medicine 2012, 1:5
Strategies to promote reporting of Surgical Care Improvement
Project (SCIP) measures: a pilot survey of anesthesia department leaders
The SCIP (Surgical Care Improvement Project) is a CMS led
initiative designed to improve care by maintaining certain core measures.
Hospitals are now reimbursed partly by how well they comply with both SCIP
measures and HCAHPS data. Most responded with voluntary
reporting, mandated by service contract, or in preparation for pay for
performance. However a small number reported incentive from their
hospital for participation. This article ultimately was inconclusive in
determining what particular strategies are effective in encouraging
physician reporting of SCIP measures. However this article does raise
awareness to the fact the SCIP measures are now a reality, especially in
current anesthesia practice and will need to be accounted for in the future in
order to both maintain a high level of care for our patients and
ensure appropriate reimbursement from CMS.
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