Friday, September 28, 2012

Awake Fiberoptic vs Video Laryngoscopy

Dr. Halonen

Awake fiberoptic or awake video laryngoscopy tracheal intubation in patients with anticipated difficult airy management
Charlotte V Rosenstock et al, Anesthesiology, June 2012- Vol 116- Number 6, p 1210-1216

The gold standard for intubation in patients with anticipated difficult airways is the use of awake flexible fiberoptic intubation (FFI). The randomized clinical trial was performed to test their hypothesis that McGrath video larynscope (MVL) would be faster than FFI in these patients.
Besides time for intubation, they also compared the success of intubation in the first attempt, the ease of intubation and the patient discomfort between the two techniques. What they found is that there was no difference any of the categories that were tested between the two techniques. Because of this, maybe further studies should be performed to determine if the MVL technique should take over as the gold standard for suspected difficult intubations. Obviously, one technique should not be used if their are contraindications to that technique or if the anesthesiologists is not comfortable in performing that technique. 

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